fuck CO2
Food, materials and energy become
regenerative, better and cheap
carbonauten develops and produces various raw materials and precursors based on biocarbons and bio-oils in decentralised factories around the world. The biocarbons permanently physically store up to 3.67 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per tonne of biocarbon. The bio-oils are a by-product and serve as a CO2-negative raw material for the chemical industry.
carbonauten has developed its own industrial and cost-effective carbonisation technology that enables a new category of materials. NET Materials® (Negative Emission Technology) are CO2-negative precursors for the plastics and agricultural industries for which a patent application has been filed. carbonauten produces these materials in large quantities and at low prices in order to make decarbonisation economically attractive for manufacturers. This supports manufacturers in the cost-effective reduction of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases in the range of several gigatonnes, particularly in Scope 3.
One platform for six CO2-cutting activities
→ Animal husbandry, soils, plants
→ Heat, electricity, hydrogen
→ Masterbatches, Compounds
→ Platfrom chemicals from waste materials
→ Diverse CO2 sinks
Carbon Removal Fund
→ Ecological and profitable
Biocarbons store CO2 and make bio-quality cheap
Carbon C is the basis for organic life in the universe. It occurs in materially bound or gaseous form – as carbon dioxide CO2. Plants have been the most efficient CO2 storage machines for millions of years – and the most beautiful, too. They use CO2 to build up their biomass. Via photosynthesis, they retain the C and give us the O2 to breathe.
A tree consists of about 50% carbon. At the end of its life, it is metabolized by microorganisms. This releases the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
This rotting process is stopped by pyrolytic carbonization (heating without oxygen) between 400° and 700° C. This produces physically stable, technical biocarbons that no longer rot and thus permanently prevent the formation of CO2.
In parallel, the carbonauten technology, as a biorefinery, produces high-quality biodistillates as platform biochemicals for agriculture, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, as well as base-load renewable energy.
The technical biocarbons are specifically refined into CO2-negative carbonauten NET-Materials® for various markets and applications.
The carbonauten system thus enables the material and energetic cascade utilization of biomass residues and a maximally deep value chain.
The carbonauten system creates multiple effects
News from the minus CO2 factory
Case study in Ghana
carbonauten conducted research in cooperation with a community of farmers from around Apam, Ghana and the German Society for International...
Products of carbonauten agriculture to strengthen the plant’s natural defenses
Markus Bayer is a farmer from Dischingen in East Württemberg. He grows corn and operates his own biogas plant. Many farmers are fighting...
Climate turnaround: A high-tech case stores CO2
How a regenerative future is created from waste materials The time has come: Introducing the first ready-to-use minus CO2 product by...
minus CO2 factories – the industrial challenge to fight CO2
Unique production and living laboratory
In the “minus CO2 factory 001” in Eberswalde (Brandenburg), the active reduction of CO2 starts. It is the first of what will be dozens worldwide with the unique carbonauten technology. In addition to industrial production, Eberswalde is a research and development location for hardware, technological enhancements and optimization of production processes. At the headquarters in Giengen an der Brenz, scientists are working on new applications and NET Materials®.
Harmonization of industry, ecology and society
carbonauten NET-Materials® enable industry to add value to products economically, ecologically and socially, thus growing sustainably and making a positive contribution to society.
carbonauten also employs socially disadvantaged people in the “minus CO2 factories” who are particularly affected by the massive changes. They thank us for this unique opportunity for a good and secure job with commitment and identification.
Unique technology for minus gigatons
carbonauten will realize and operate decentralized sites worldwide from 2023. Flexible in input and output, robust, highly efficient, and modularly expandable, carbonization technology is the result of many years of experience and technical expertise in biomass residue carbonization and power generation. By 2025, at least 15 and by 2030, more than 100 production sites will avoid gigatons of climate gases, making food, materials and energy renewable, better and cheaper for all.